Use cases
Payment methods
Introduced by the European Payments Council SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit is a Europe-wide system that supports direct debit euro payments in 36 countries. Accepting it in your e-commerce store is crucial if you’re looking to expand your business across the region. Use SEPA Direct Debit to accept one-time or recurring payments from European consumers.
Easily access more European markets by accepting SEPA Direct Debit in your store and enjoy these benefits:
SEPA Direct Debit only requires customers to make a few clicks before their payment is complete (i.e., higher conversion rates for you).
Adding SEPA Direct Debit to your e-commerce store is easy. All you have to do is open your MONEI account — then once you’ve been approved, contact support to activate this payment method on all major e-commerce platforms or your customer-built website.